How To Choose a Cruising Boat

How To Choose a Cruising Boat

If you are in the first phases of boat shopping, you might be thinking, “how do you choose a cruising boat?” Here’s how we broke down the decision. “What boat should I buy?” This question gets floated around on the Liveaboard and Cruising forums every 

Saying Goodbye to Move Onto Our Boat

Saying Goodbye to Move Onto Our Boat

Saying goodbye to friends and family to pursue a calling is painful. You can’t escape that. All you can do is try to cope in a healthy way. I had a really nice, cushy life. Up until a month ago, I had a great apartment 

Downsizing: No One Wants My Crap

Downsizing: No One Wants My Crap

Think you’re ready to start downsizing? Be aware that most of your belongings will have to be given away so you can move on with your life. Look at this desk. It’s amazing, right? It looks like someone stole it off the set of Master and 

Everything Goes to Move Aboard a Boat

Everything Goes to Move Aboard a Boat

When you decided to move aboard a boat without putting anything in storage, parting with your stuff can be an emotional experience. In about an hour, my bedroom furniture is going to leave my apartment. I feel sad about that. I love that furniture. Boxing 

How Do We Find the Meaning of Life?

How Do We Find the Meaning of Life?

There is no meaning in life except what we give it. That is a gift in that each one of us can find our own path to meaning. The moment I got on board with the idea of cruising full time is the moment I